Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands

IEN Statement prior to Copenhagen talks

Dear Indigenous Environmental Network Ally,

With just two weeks to go before world leaders meet in Copenhagen to deal
with climate change, we’ve run out of time for compromise. Indigenous
Environmental Network will be supporting a delegation of grassroots
community leaders from tar sands affected First Nations to attend and speak
out in Copenhagen. They will call out the Government of Canada and big oil
for their continuing failure to address the concerns of First Nations
Peoples whose Aboriginal and Treaty rights are being violated by the tar
sands and by runaway climate change.

It is because of the tar sands that Canada has the highest per person carbon
pollution on the planet. The tar sands are Canada's fastest growing source
of greenhouse gas pollution and the second largest hydrocarbon deposit in
the world. They're dictating Canada's negotiating position as Copenhagen
approaches and also one of the primary reasons Canada has not ratified the
UN Declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Haven't heard about the tar sands? Prepare for a lesson. Take Action Right
Now! Go to:* http://ien.thetarsandsblow.org

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