Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands

Alberta (& Saskatchewan) Tar Sands

Alberta (& Saskatchewan) Tar Sands

Alberta Tar Sands is a category limited to the location and production of tar sand bitumen, an area the size of the state of Florida in northern Alberta province. The giant processing plants near Fort McMurray where the land itself is strip mined as well as the primarily "in situ" in-ground steam separation/production and extraction plants in the Peace and Cold Lake Regions, all in Alberta, are the "Ground Zero" of the single largest industrial gigaproject ever proposed in human history.

The process of removing the tar from the sand involves incredible amounts of energy from clean-burning natural gas (with nuclear proposed along side), tremendous capital costs during build up, incredibly high petroleum prices to protect investments, and the largest single industrial contribution to climate change in North America. Production also involves the waste of fresh water from nearby lakes, rivers and aquifers that have already created toxic tailing ponds visible from outer space. None of the land strip mined has yet to be certified as reclaimed. It takes 4 tonnes of soil to produce one barrel of oil. The tar sands are producing over 1.2 million barrels of oil a day on average. The oil companies, Canada and the United States governments are proposing to escalate production to 5 million barrels, almost all destined for American markets-- and lower environmental standards while doing so. They also would need to violate the national and human rights of many indigenous nations who are rightly concerned about many dire social, environmental and economic repercussions on their communities.

To get the needed energy supplies, diluent for the bitumen and diverted freshwater to produce and then to transport the flowing heavy bitumen for refining would require massive new infrastructure and pipeline building from three different time zones in the Arctic, across British Columbia and through Alberta in a criss-cross pattern, into pipelines to such destinations as California, China, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Ontario, Illinois, Wisconsin and Texas. This entire project is now estimated at over $170 billion dollars. And after the whole process described so far, only then will all this dirty petroleum get burned and expel greenhouse gasses into the air causing further climate change.

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Alberta Tar Sands is a category limited to the location and production of tar sand bitumen, an area the size of the state of Florida in northern Alberta province. The giant processing plants near Fort McMurray where the land itself is strip mined as well as the primarily "in situ" in-ground steam separation/production and extraction plants in the Peace and Cold Lake Regions, all in Alberta, are the "Ground Zero" of the single largest industrial gigaproject ever proposed in human history. The process of removing the tar from the sand involves incredible amounts of energy from clean-burning natural gas (with nuclear proposed along side), tremendous capital costs during build up, incredibly high petroleum prices to protect investments, and the largest single industrial contribution to climate change in North America. Production also involves the waste of fresh water from nearby lakes, rivers and aquifers that have already created toxic tailing ponds visible from outer space. None of the land strip mined has yet to be certified as reclaimed. It takes 4 tonnes of soil to produce one barrel of oil. The tar sands are producing over 1.2 million barrels of oil a day on average. The oil companies, Canada and the United States governments are proposing to escalate production to 5 million barrels, almost all destined for American markets-- and lower environmental standards while doing so. They also would need to violate the national and human rights of many indigenous nations who are rightly concerned about many dire social, environmental and economic repercussions on their communities. To get the needed energy supplies, diluent for the bitumen and diverted freshwater to produce and then to transport the flowing heavy bitumen for refining would require massive new infrastructure and pipeline building from three different time zones in the Arctic, across British Columbia and through Alberta in a criss-cross pattern, into pipelines to such destinations as California, China, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Ontario, Illinois, Wisconsin and Texas. This entire project is now estimated at over $170 billion dollars. And after the whole process described so far, only then will all this dirty petroleum get burned and expel greenhouse gasses into the air causing further climate change.

Sex workers cashing in on Alberta's oil boom

Sex workers cashing in on Alberta's oil boom
Last Updated: Monday, April 16, 2007 | 3:30 AM MT
CBC News

Alberta's red-hot economy appears to be fuelling a flourishing sex trade as prostitutes follow men to the oil and gas fields.

And they're making big money when they get there, the sex-trade workers say.

"Truckers are big business and they're on the road for long stretches of time and they want to have adult entertainment," says Chastity, one of the strippers frequently seen working the bars in small boomtowns such as High Level, Alta.

$100 oil puts a new shine on Alberta

$100 oil puts a new shine on Alberta
Record prices will fuel the world's interest in the oil sands, even as extraction costs soar
DAVID PARKINSON // January 3, 2008

Deepening nervousness over long-term global energy supplies will put Canada's rich oil sands even more in the global energy spotlight, economists said yesterday as crude touched $100 (U.S.) a barrel for the first time.

"Industry refutes allegations of widespread mistreatment of temporary foreign workers"

This article is put out by the "Journal of Commerce", and is a taste of the lengths that the system is going to in order to create the vast slavery pool that is the "Temporary Foreign Worker" program. Take note of their "explanations". Keep in mind that if the goals for production -- five times current levels, as spelled out by the Security and Prosperity Partnership [SPP]-- are to even be considered, TENS OF THOUSANDS of such workers will be needed for all aspects of tar sands 'development'.


Industry refutes allegations of widespread mistreatment of temporary foreign workers

Muslims drawn to Grande Prairie

Muslims drawn to Grande Prairie
Population surge puts strain on local services
Tom McMillan, The Edmonton Journal
Published: Wednesday, January 02

Grande Prairie's Muslim population is in the midst of a rapid growth spurt, leaving the community scrambling to find facilities for education and prayer.

"A few years ago, there were eight or nine Muslim families here," said Edward Houssain, president of the Islamic Association of Grande Prairie and District. "Now, there are more than anyone knows."

B’y-gone Era

B’y-gone ERA
A story of over there, from over here

Special to The Telegram

Lonely and full of not-so-happy-go-lucky individualism, Alberta’s oil patch is a unique place. No doubt about that. No doubt, also, an important chapter in Newfoundland’s story is being written on the Prairies.
Tired jokes float around about Newfoundland’s second-largest city being Fort McMurray; that Newfoundland’s Come Home Year is Alberta’s “Go Home” Year; that Alberta is New Newfoundland.

What's new at the tar sands?

What's new at the tar sands?

by Dave Cohen

My neighbor has a circular driveway ... he can't get out.
—Steven Wright

More on the Social Meltdown of Fort McMurray

Oilpatch braces for new arrivals
Dec 04, 2007 09:07 AM // Dean Bennett

FORT McMURRAY, Alta. – Fifty-seven year old Gerald Morrison has only 18 months to go before he can "get out of Dodge" and retire to Port Hawkesbury, N.S.

But until then, the Syncrude refinery technician has to get a roomie to meet the $2,950 monthly rent on a three-bedroom apartment north of the downtown core, which comes complete with leaks in the ceiling, frosted-over panes and window sills spongy with rot.


A very significant statement, buried within the article below, produced for a North Dakota audience, in that is shows basically why EVERY SINGLE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT is a crock of doo-doo. Cumulative Impacts are measured, or there is nothing to look at within a report. It's really quite simple-- if the report does not factor in all the ways in which the environment is impacted by development, then you don't have an impact of development to the environment report. Everything else then, is a smoke and mirrors game.

Top 10 Global Warming Stories of 2007

Top 10 Global Warming Stories of 2007

What events or actions had the most positive or negative impact on the likelihood that the nation and the world will act in time to avoid catastrophic warming? Here are my picks:

Peak Oil And Dunbar's Number

Peak Oil And Dunbar's Number
By Peter Goodchild
29 December, 2007 // Countercurrents.org

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