January 7, 2008
Impacting Unimpaired
New agreements like the SPP and TILMA are aimed directly at unimpeded extraction in the tar sands
by Macdonald Stainsby
The Dominion - http://www.dominionpaper.ca
The 2010 Olympics in Vancouver are threatening human well-being and self-determination as well as ecological devastation in many of the same ways as the tar sands gigaproject. The corporate sponsors include many of the same, from Royal Bank of Canada through to TransCanada Pipelines. The unprecedented expansion of the tar sands gigaproject as well as the 2010 Games are both building infrastructure with temporary foreign worker labour and under the auspices of un-democratic trade agreements from the Security and Prosperity Partnership [SPP] and the Trade, Investment & Labour Mobility Agreement [TILMA]. Both projects have directly and indirectly been tied historically and in the present to the ability of larger nation-states to wage war.
January 7, 2008
Impacting Unimpaired
New agreements like the SPP and TILMA are aimed directly at unimpeded extraction in the tar sands
by Macdonald Stainsby
The Dominion - http://www.dominionpaper.ca
The blunt goals of the tar sand industry are often avoided blunt talk by Albertan media, afraid of a general disgust with the reasons behind all the North American energy interests disastrous social, environmental and energy policies that are making astronomical profits on their way to building the single largest complex of industrialism to try and stave off peak oil and move away from Middle Eastern imports. Fortunately, American media knows far less of those constraints.