Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands

Climate Change / Emissions

Climate Change / Emissions

Climate Change is caused by greenhouse gas emissions, in particular carbon. 40% of Canada’s emissions already come from Alberta alone, not counting the entire tar sands infrastructure across North America nor counting the projected increase in tar sands production or the infrastructure built across the continent to accommodate such increases in production. Factor it all in and you get the picture. You haven’t even burned the petrol yet.

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Climate Change is caused by greenhouse gas emissions, in particular carbon. 40% of Canada’s emissions already come from Alberta alone, not counting the entire tar sands infrastructure across North America nor counting the projected increase in tar sands production or the infrastructure built across the continent to accommodate such increases in production. Factor it all in and you get the picture. You haven’t even burned the petrol yet.

Fight Against Coal Plants Draws Diverse Partners

The Energy Challenge
Fight Against Coal Plants Draws Diverse Partners
Robin Loznak/The Great Falls Tribune
Published: October 20, 2007

GREAT FALLS, Mont. — Richard D. Liebert turned his back against a hard wind the other day, adjusted his black cap and gazed across golden fields of hay. Explaining why he is against construction of a big coal-burning power plant east of town, Liebert sounded like one more voice from the green movement.

Richard D. Liebert, who owns the Windwalker Ranch near the planned site, is a vocal, and unusual, opponent of the power plant.

Beaufort find is oil, not gas

Beaufort find is oil, not gas

Devon Canada gas hunt yields oil; company seeks partners; oil poses challenges
By Gary Park
For Petroleum News

Devon Canada has posted the first oil find in the Canadian Beaufort Sea in 25 years — a twist of fortune for the company which had been hoping for trillions of cubic feet of gas to spur progress on the Mackenzie Gas Project.

“We had expected gas, so we are somewhat surprised, but this is a lot better than just water,” Dennis Johnston, Devon Canada’s frontier exploration manager, told Petroleum News.

Canada needs word of common purpose

Canada needs word of common purpose
Oct 16, 2007 04:30 AM
James Travers

OTTAWA - Imagine a throne speech that sets Canada's direction instead of putting it on course for an election. Imagine, too, a prime minister boldly beginning a frank discussion on the challenges clouding a bright future.

How much would that change the words Governor General Michaëlle Jean speaks tonight for Stephen Harper? Dramatically.

Tar Sands and Water: Fort MacKay and Fort Chipewyan (Video)

Video footage shot by oilsandstruth.org with the Dominionpaper.ca & Msguided.org over the course of the summer, huddled together into amateur documentary form (click on the story to view all five parts):

Part one:

Part two:

Nobel Gore? A Prime Time Hypocrite

October 15, 2007
A Prime Time Hypocrite
Nobel Gore?


Al Gore has returned to the political spotlight in exalted fashion with a Nobel Peace Prize in hand, propping himself up for a potential presidential bid in 2008. Front and center in Gore's new rhetorical entourage is the state of nature, and in particular, global warming. And while Gore may be delivering an important message about the fate of our fragile ecosystems, one must be weary of the messenger's past. For Gore's own environmental record leaves much to be desired.

An oil & gas Shangri-la in the Arctic?

Published on 10 Oct 2007 by ASPO-USA / Energy Bulletin. Archived on 10 Oct 2007.
An oil & gas Shangri-la in the Arctic?

by Dave Cohen

Scientists say the Arctic contains 25% of the world's undiscovered oil and gas. Why not 100%?
— Stephen Colbert, from the Colbert Report

Water needs for potential oil shale industry could complicate thing (Colorado)

Water needs for potential oil shale industry could complicate thing

garfield county correspondent
September 15, 2007

GRAND JUNCTION — America’s thirst for oil is threatening to add to the thirst for water in the West.

Meeting the nation’s energy needs also is threatening water quality in the region, speakers said Friday at a seminar in Grand Junction on energy development’s impacts on water. The seminar was organized by the Colorado River District, based in Glenwood Springs.

Reflecting on Marx and money gone mad-- Rabble

Reflecting on Marx and money gone mad
by Duncan Cameron
October 9, 2007

The Bank of Canada is busily handing out money to buoy the Canadian financial system, resorting to purchase, and re-purchase agreements which allow financial institutions time to find more funds to satisfy their need for liquidity aka cash. Note that public money is readily available to banks with shortfalls, but not for the homeless.

Australian government report: Peak oil is real, get ready

Australian government report: Peak oil is real, get ready

by The Honourable Andrew McNamara

Future Oil Supply Uncertainty Highlighted
Media Release from the Minister for Sustainability, Climate Change and Innovation

A report tabled in State Parliament today highlights the need for Queensland industry, primary producers and communities to lessen their dependence on imported oil supplies.

Total (France) to invest $1 billion a year in tar sands in Canada

AFX News Limited
Total to invest 1 bln usd a year in oil sands in Canada
10.11.07, 12:06 PM ET

PARIS (Thomson Financial) - French group Total is to invest 1 bln usd annually over the next few years in extracting oil from sand deposits in Canada, chairman Thierry Desmarest told an energy conference.

Desmarest said that by 2010 around 10 pct of worldwide oil production will come from oil sands and that this source of production is set to grow.

He underlined these oil sands are located in Canada, a country that does not pose any 'political problems'.

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