Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands



Conscious efforts to subvert or otherwise corrupt organizations and individuals who are concerned about social issues is a sadly long tradition. The environmental movement is no exception. Through many front groups, financial wranglings through contributions and outright blackmail, industries have tamed or corrupted many of the organizations who were once among their greatest critics and opponents. The corrupting influence on the politics of the environment has left us with, at times, a movement that has yet to address the needs of fighting climate change immediately-- instead, calling for the slow changing of emissions from various parts of industrial life-- and protecting the biggest contributions to their myriad organizations. When budgets and mainstream appearances with politicians become the order of the day, effective protest is muted and rendered toothless.

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Conscious efforts to subvert or otherwise corrupt organizations and individuals who are concerned about social issues is a sadly long tradition. The environmental movement is no exception. Through many front groups, financial wranglings through contributions and outright blackmail, industries have tamed or corrupted many of the organizations who were once among their greatest critics and opponents. The corrupting influence on the politics of the environment has left us with, at times, a movement that has yet to address the needs of fighting climate change immediately-- instead, calling for the slow changing of emissions from various parts of industrial life-- and protecting the biggest contributions to their myriad organizations. When budgets and mainstream appearances with politicians become the order of the day, effective protest is muted and rendered toothless.

It's the Oil, Stupid! (No tar sands in Iraq, eh!)

It's the Oil, stupid!
Noam Chomsky
Khaleej Times, July 8, 2008
The deal just taking shape between Iraq's Oil Ministry and four Western oil companies raises critical questions about the nature of the US invasion and occupation of Iraq — questions that should certainly be addressed by presidential candidates and seriously discussed in the United States, and of course in occupied Iraq, where it appears that the population has little if any role in determining the future of their country.

Nexen and Statoil demanding "Clarity" on tar sands projects

"Clarity", meaning an assurance that no changes will be made to the regulatory approval process or environmental requirements, is demanded by major corporations who wish to be able to produce in the tar sands without oversight-- i.e., they "demand" the maintenance of the status quo. Nexen is one of the "partners" of the Canadian Boreal Initiative (CBI), a grouping that partners with many of the largest corporations that exist, receiving most of their funding through Ducks Unlimited Canada through Ducks Unlimited in the United States-- where the money originates with the Pew Foundation.

Tar Sands overview: production history, environmental destruction and human rights violations (Part I)

Macdonald Stainsby gives http://h2opodcast.com/ an overview of the tar sands, their history in development, why now, the connection to the war on terror & Iraq, trade deals, expansion of the temporary foreign worker programs in such development, violation of indigenous nations' self-determination and environmental destruction unparalleled in the world. (Part I of II)


Tar Sands overview: production history, environmental destruction and human rights violations (Part II)

Part II of II:

Macdonald Stainsby gives http://h2opodcast.com/ an overview of the tar sands, their history in development, why now, the connection to the war on terror & Iraq, trade deals, expansion of the temporary foreign worker programs in such development, violation of indigenous nations' self-determination and environmental destruction unparalleled in the world. Part II of II.


Pew Charitable Trusts front group advocates "responsible" development of tar sands to ensure energy security

The International Boreal Conservation Campaign is yet another front group of the Pew Charitable Trusts/Sunoco, the very same folks who brought you the original "Great Canadian Oil Sands Project" in 1967 (now Suncor). The focus in their "messaging" about ensuring energy security, perhaps for their Sunoco refineries now being converted to process dirty oil in Ohio and eventually Philadelphia, is telling indeed.

- Tarpit Pete

Talk is cheap, skeptics say of oil sands message
Tue Jun 24, 2008 7:37pm EDT

By Jeffrey Jones - Analysis

Environmental groups blacken reputation of Alberta tar sands

Making mention of the Pew Foundation/Charitable Trusts here is ridiculously over-simplified. The groups that the Pew fund, through the money from Sunoco (who continue to refine tar sands oil and make multiple billions), are overwhelmingly among the most tame and market driven ones-- deflecting actual campaigning against the tar sands. The story below, while it contains valuable nuggets of information, must be making those who misdirect resistance to the tar sands smile.


Environmental groups blacken reputation of Alberta oilsands

Suncor Issues latest Greenwash report

For your daily Greenwash dose... Suncor sympathetic over ducks... and not a hint of sympathy for the loss of other human lives.


Suncor CEO defends record on environment
Rick George sympathizes over duck loss
Dan Healing, with a file from Shaun Polczer, Calgary Herald
Published: Saturday, May 10, 2008

A speech about the business outlook for Alberta's oilsands industry Friday morning turned into a defence of its environmental record for Suncor Energy Inc. CEO Rick George.

The Deafening Silence of Ducks Unlimited about over 500 dead ducks in the tar sands

Could it be because Syncrude donated $300,000 to Ducks Unlimited in 2001 and that Suncor recently donated another $1.5 million?? After all, Ducks Unlimited only wants to help industry to "soften" its impact on the environment. Never mind all the other cash donations from Weyerhaeuser, Alpac, and Enbridge....

- Tarpit Pete

DU Conservation Awards presented to Alberta Chamber of Resources Companies

Dehcho Land Use Plan revisions increase development

Dehcho Land Use Plan revisions increase development

Roxanna Thompson
Northern News Services
Published Thursday, May 01, 2008

DEH GAH GOT'IE KOE/FORT PROVIDENCE - A revised Dehcho Land Use Plan could be completed as early as this fall, according to members of the Dehcho Land Use Planning Committee.

The planning committee has been working steadily since last fall to resolve the differences over the plan between the Dehcho First Nations (DFN) and the territorial and federal governments, said Michael Nadli, the chair of the committee.

The Nature Conservancy: Shelling Out

As the unsavory connections between multi-national resource extraction companies and fake environmentalists become more and more obvious, individual donors will also discover the non-democratic nature of most environmental organizations and will have no other option than to vote with their pocketbooks: "As a donor there are few opportunities to direct the agency's decisions, he said.

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