Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands



Economics drive tar sands operations. Record highs in oil prices, though still fluctuating, will make tar sand oil ‘economical’ (read: profitable) well into the future. Government subsidies to this environmentally disastrous process remain in place from a time when the federal government was sponsoring research into the possibility of recovering this oil. Stock prices of tar sands developers grow the more conventional oil is scarce.

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Economics drive tar sands operations. Record highs in oil prices, though still fluctuating, will make tar sand oil ‘economical’ (read: profitable) well into the future. Government subsidies to this environmentally disastrous process remain in place from a time when the federal government was sponsoring research into the possibility of recovering this oil. Stock prices of tar sands developers grow the more conventional oil is scarce.

Mackenzie pipeline panel faces further delays

Mackenzie pipeline panel faces further delays
Last Updated: Thursday, June 14, 2007 | 11:06 AM CT
CBC News

The panel reviewing the proposed Mackenzie gas project says it needs more time before it can finalize its hearing schedule.

The joint review panel, which is looking at the environmental and social impacts of the $16.2-billion project, has been criticized for taking much longer to do its job than originally anticipated.

It's Time for Albertans to Draw a line in the (Tar) Sand

BILL MOORE-KILGANNON / pialberta.org

There once was a thin red line on a map. That may sound like the start of a fairy tale, but in fact it is the real beginning of a critical debate about Alberta’s energy future.

Environmental cost of tar sands too high, U.S. report says

Globe and Mail June 8, 2007
Environmental cost of tar sands too high, U.S. report says
By Bob Weber
Edmonton -- One of the most influential environmental groups in the
United States is training its sights on Alberta's oil sands in an
attempt to persuade Americans to stop increasing their dependence on
"bottom-of-the-barrel" energy.
A report by the Natural Resources Defence Council to be released
Monday at a symposium in Washington, has been obtained by The Canadian
Press. The report potentially damages the market for oil sands oil by

Is Canada the latest emerging petro-tyranny?

Copyright 2007 The Globe and Mail
June 11, 2007 Monday
Calgary journalist and columnist for Canadian Business magazine
Is Canada the latest emerging petro-tyranny?

Every day, the First Law of Petropolitics quietly insinuates its way
into the nation's political blood like a rogue parasite. The law,
first coined by New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, posits that
the price of oil and the quality of freedom invariably travel in
opposite directions.

As the price of crude oil goes higher in an oil-dominated kingdom,

Global warming is remap-ping the world: UN findings focus on meltdown at poles

Global warming is remap-ping the world
UN findings focus on meltdown at poles
By VIVIAN SONG -- Sun Media

Global warming is remap-ping the world at a chilling pace, melting glaciers and permafrost and endangering hundreds of millions of lives, warns the latest UN report released yesterday on the eve of World Environment Day.

The report's findings coincide with this year's theme highlighting the world's poles as the first telltale signs of climate change: Melting Ice: Hot Topic?

Our Leaders Don't Get it -- Suzuki

Our leaders don’t get it

When Environment Minister John Baird announced his government’s new climate change plan, I was in Toronto, getting ready to shoot some television commercials promoting energy conservation. I volunteered to do the commercials because I believe that everyone has to do his fair share to reduce the threat of global warming. Mr. Baird and Prime Minister Harper apparently disagree.

Geothermal in the Tar Sands?

Hot granite and steam could clean up oil sands
May 30, 2007 04:30 AM
Tyler Hamilton // http://www.thestar.com/Business/article/219133
Energy Reporter

The first commercial geothermal facility in the Alberta oil sands could be pulling heat out of the ground and displacing the use of natural gas as early as 2012, according to the head of an oil-company consortium established to investigate the emission-free energy source.

AFL: Public hearings begin today to build "Mega Pipeline"-- Keystone

Public hearings begin today at National Energy Board on proposal to
build "mega-pipeline" to move unrefined oilsands from Alberta to
refineries in U.S.
Labour groups lead charge to keep value-added jobs in Alberta

CALGARY, June 4 /CNW/ - Hearings begin this week before the National
Energy Board in Calgary to determine whether or not the first of several
"mega-pipelines" designed to move unrefined bitumen from the Alberta's
oilsands to refineries in the United States will be allowed to proceed.
The pipeline under consideration is called the Keystone pipeline and is

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