Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands



Economics drive tar sands operations. Record highs in oil prices, though still fluctuating, will make tar sand oil ‘economical’ (read: profitable) well into the future. Government subsidies to this environmentally disastrous process remain in place from a time when the federal government was sponsoring research into the possibility of recovering this oil. Stock prices of tar sands developers grow the more conventional oil is scarce.

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Economics drive tar sands operations. Record highs in oil prices, though still fluctuating, will make tar sand oil ‘economical’ (read: profitable) well into the future. Government subsidies to this environmentally disastrous process remain in place from a time when the federal government was sponsoring research into the possibility of recovering this oil. Stock prices of tar sands developers grow the more conventional oil is scarce.

Trailbreaker Pipeline through Montréal back on?

Pipeline plan back on tap: opponents

The Gazette,
August 26, 2011

Enbridge seeks transit to Maine

Enbridge Pipelines Inc. is quietly trying to make an end run around a proper
assessment of its controversial Trailbreaker project to pipe tarsands oil across Canada to Montreal and then on to the United States, according to three Canadian and two U.S. environmental groups.

Enbridge Trailbreaker Project

The groups are filing a complaint with the National Energy Board on Friday

A Tar Sands Partnership Agreement in the Making?

A Tar Sands Partnership Agreement in the Making?

Macdonald Stainsby | August 1st 2011

Campaigns against tar sands production have grown rapidly over the last four years. From the relative obscurity in Alberta to an international lightning rod for people trying to address all manner of concerns from indigenous and community self-determination to peak oil and climate change – criticisms of the largest industrial project in human history have gained a major voice. The voices are certainly not homogenous, but a large contingent of these voices call for a shut down of tar sands production and a move away from fossil fuels – if not an outright move away from market-led growth of any sort. But, in the language of the environmental elite, what are the “decision makers” preparing to do with all this anti-tar sands resistance?

Into the Muskeg Swamps of Northern Alberta

Into the Muskeg Swamps of Northern Alberta

A Brief Ideological History of the Tar Sands

Earth First Journal

By Nickle

"This is not oil drilling. It's not even mining. It is
terrestrial skinning. Vast, vivid landscapes are being
gutted, left monochromatic gray." --NAOMI KLEIN

Canadian government accused of 'unprecedented' tar sands lobbying

Canadian government accused of 'unprecedented' tar sands lobbying

Friends of the Earth Europe claims ministers have attempted to undermine European fuel legislation that would affect exports

Terry Macalister
guardian.co.uk, Thursday 4 August 2011

The Canadian government has been accused of an "unprecedented" lobbying effort involving 110 meetings in less than two years in Britain and Europe in a bid to derail new fuel legislation that could hit exports from its tar sands.

CNRL resumes production, price of crude drops

Resumption at CNRL project to lower prices for oil sands crude
nathan vanderklippe
CALGARY— From Friday's Globe and Mail
Published Thursday, Aug. 04, 2011 6:26AM EDT

The price of crude is likely to decline for a number of oil sands companies as Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. (CNQ-T35.25-0.94-2.60%)brings back to life its fire-damaged Horizon project.

Athabasca eyes higher conventional budget

Following in the footsteps of Suncor, major players in tar sands production are now getting into conventional oil and gas elsewhere.


Athabasca eyes higher conventional budget

By Dan Healing, Calgary Herald
August 4, 2011

CALGARY — Athabasca Oil Sands Corp. said Thursday it is considering increasing its budget to explore on its conventional Deep Basin oil and gas assets for the second time this year.

U.S. Oil Giants Poised to Gain on Keystone Pipeline

U.S. Oil Giants Poised to Gain on Keystone Pipeline

By Amy Harder
Updated: August 5, 2011

Three major American oil companies are poised to gain big if the Obama administration green-lights a controversial pipeline that would send 700,000 barrels of oil a day from the oil sands of Alberta, Canada, to refineries in Texas.

N.W.T. pushes federal government to back Mackenzie pipeline

N.W.T. pushes federal government to back Mackenzie pipeline

By Rebecca Penty, Postmedia News July 18, 2011

CALGARY — Ottawa needs to ink a financial deal with backers of the Mackenzie Valley natural gas pipeline project by the end of the year, the Northwest Territories' Bob McLeod said following the exit of Royal Dutch Shell PLC from the partnership.

Let's expose the structure of violence that keeps the world economy running.

Let's expose the structure of violence that keeps the world economy running.

With an entire planet being slaughtered before our eyes, it's
terrifying to watch the very culture responsible for this - the culture
of industrial civilization, fueled by a finite source of fossil fuels,
primarily a dwindling supply of oil - thrust forward wantonly to fuel
its insatiable appetite for "growth."

Deluded by myths of progress and suffering from the psychosis of
technomania complicated by addiction to depleting oil reserves,

Shell wants out of Mackenzie pipeline project

Shell wants out of Mackenzie pipeline project
CBC News
Jul 15, 2011

Shell Canada is planning to pull out of the Mackenzie Valley pipeline project and sell its assets in the region.

The company is trying to sell its share in the $16.2 billion natural gas project in the Northwest Territories, according to company documents obtained by CBC News.

Shell is part of a corporate consortium, led by Imperial Oil, that is backing the proposed pipeline. Other members of the consortium are Exxon Mobil Corp., ConocoPhillips, and the Aboriginal Pipeline Group.

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