Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands



Economics drive tar sands operations. Record highs in oil prices, though still fluctuating, will make tar sand oil ‘economical’ (read: profitable) well into the future. Government subsidies to this environmentally disastrous process remain in place from a time when the federal government was sponsoring research into the possibility of recovering this oil. Stock prices of tar sands developers grow the more conventional oil is scarce.

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Economics drive tar sands operations. Record highs in oil prices, though still fluctuating, will make tar sand oil ‘economical’ (read: profitable) well into the future. Government subsidies to this environmentally disastrous process remain in place from a time when the federal government was sponsoring research into the possibility of recovering this oil. Stock prices of tar sands developers grow the more conventional oil is scarce.

Tar sands execs set to hear from U.S. groups

Oilsands execs set to hear from U.S. groups

Updated: Sun Nov. 14 2010
The Canadian Press

CALGARY — Oilsands executives are heading to three U.S. cities this week to hear what environmental groups, business leaders, academics and others have to say about an industry heavily criticized for its environmental impact.

The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers has been holding roundtable discussions in several Canadian cities since the summer.

OPTI Canada Shares Drop As Slower Long Lake Growth Seen In 2011

OPTI Canada Shares Drop As Slower Long Lake Growth Seen In 2011

By Edward Welsch

Published November 16, 2010

CALGARY -(Dow Jones)- Shares of oil sands company OPTI Canada Inc. (OPC.T) declined sharply Tuesday after its partner in its Long Lake oil sands project said production next year would be even lower than expected.

Nexen shares tumble on lower Long Lake outlook

Nexen shares tumble on lower Long Lake outlook

By Shaun Polczer, Calgary Herald November 16, 2010

CALGARY - Nexen Inc. saw its shares fall on Tuesday after the Calgary-based oil producer said its Long Lake oilsands project won't hit full capacity this year or next.

In Alberta, dissenters are just asking for a smack-down

In Alberta, dissenters are just asking for a smack-down

Prominent scientists, doctors, leaders attacked for speaking out

By David Thompson, Edmonton Journal November 15, 2010

Dr. Paul Parks finally got the Alberta government to address his concerns about a potential "catastrophic collapse" of emergency care.

However, it took the media's bright spotlight to make it happen.

Parks had been quietly raising the issue with the government since early 2008, when he began documenting serious problems in emergency wards.

But that didn't get the government to act.

Mackenzie pipeline report OK'd by N.W.T., Ottawa

Mackenzie pipeline report OK'd by N.W.T., Ottawa
Last Updated: Monday, November 15, 2010
CBC News

The proposed $16.2-billion Mackenzie Valley gas pipeline is a step closer to reality after the federal and Northwest Territories governments agreed Monday with most of the recommendations set out by a review panel last year.

They said they can eliminate or mitigate any potential adverse impacts if the 1,200-kilometre natural gas pipeline goes ahead.

Arctic seen as possible shipping route for massive industrial components

Arctic seen as possible shipping route for massive industrial components
CALGARY— Globe and Mail Update
Published Sunday, Nov. 14, 2010

As protesters clog a new corridor built to transport the massive building blocks of a new oil sands mine, a small Northwest Territories company has suddenly found itself showered with interest by Asian companies looking for an alternative.

Alta. tailings pond to get federal inspection

Alta. tailings pond to get federal inspection
Last Updated: Monday, November 15, 2010
CBC News

Environment Canada officials will be in northern Alberta on Tuesday to inspect a tailings pond operated by Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. that was the subject of a CBC News investigation.

Federal Environment Minister John Baird made the announcement in the House of Commons on Monday, in response to a question from Alberta NDP MP Linda Duncan.

Effort to keep big rigs off Montana highways continues to spread

Effort to keep big rigs off Montana highways continues to spread

By KIM BRIGGEMAN of the Missoulian missoulian.com
October 31, 2010

From grassroots to Manhattan, the battle to keep hundreds of big rigs off the two-lane highways of Montana and Idaho continues to mushroom.

What began early last spring as an energetic local effort centered in Missoula spread quickly over Lolo Pass into rural Idaho. It has since reached across state lines and into the war rooms of an impressive array of environmental groups.

Oil and water cannot be allowed to mix along B.C.'s stunning coastline

Oil and water cannot be allowed to mix along B.C.'s stunning coastline
By Tyler McCreary
| October 29, 2010

Beneath Alaska, between the islands of Haida Gwaii and the northern British Columbia coast, is the wide but shallow Hecate Strait. Originally termed Seegaay by the Haida, Captain George Henry Richards, affixed the name Hecate to the strait in the early 1860s. Hecate was a Greek goddess associated with magic and crossroads, a governess of the wilderness and liminal regions where the spirits interact with the living.

Nexen earnings rise fourfold

Nexen earnings rise fourfold

Mechanical problems still plaguing Long Lake

By Jeffrey Jones, Reuters October 29, 2010

Nexen Inc. and Cenovus Energy Inc. on Thursday said operational problems weighed on their quarterly results, prompting investors to pull away from shares of the Canadian tarsands producers.

The issues were both internal and external, and highlighted complexities of developing Alberta's tarsands, the largest crude-oil source outside the Middle East.

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