Tar Sands for the week (April 1, 2014).
Macdonald Stainsby,
The Health implications in terms of these projects are vast, and not just the deadly explosions and industrial accidents that happen in production-—from reported increases in rare forms of cancer downstream from tar sands production to the pollution of fresh water leading to poisoned diets (fish, moose and plant toxicity)—-direct links are hard to establish but impossible to either rule out or ignore, especially where tarsand operations constitute overwhelmingly the greatest change to the environment in most corners of the continent effected directly by tarsand infrastructure.
Tar Sands for the week (April 1, 2014).
Macdonald Stainsby,
Tar Sands May Have Caused Sickness That Forced Families From Homes, Canadian Regulator Says
By Emily Atkin
April 1, 2014
Karla and Alain’s Labrecque's children, now living happily and healthily in British Columbia after a year of unexplained sickness in Peace River, Alberta.
Published with permission of Karla and Alain Labrecque
Karla and Alain’s Labrecque’s children, now living happily and healthily in British Columbia after a year of unexplained sickness in Peace River, Alberta. Published with permission of Karla and Alain Labrecque
BP Lake Michigan Oil Spill: Did Tar Sands Spill into the Great Lakes?
By Steve Horn
Global Research, March 28, 2014
Is it conventional crude or tar sands? That is the question. And it’s one with high stakes, to boot.
The BP Whiting refinery in Indiana spilled between 470 and 1228 gallons of oil (or is it tar sands?) into Lake Michigan on March 24 and four days later no one really knows for sure what type of crude it was. Most signs, however, point to tar sands.
Plagued With High Cancer Rates, One Tar Sands Community’s Eight Year Quest For Answers
By Emily Atkin on April 2, 2014
Alberta Regulator Quietly Halts Steam Bitumen Mining Near Fort Mac
by Andrew Nikiforuk, originally published by The Tyee | March 13, 2014
The Alberta energy regulator has suspended the fastest-growing source of bitumen production around Fort McMurray due to concerns about fracturing the region’s cap rock.
Keystone Protest Held; URI Divestment Possible
By TIM FAULKNER/ecoRI News staff
Hundreds of Students Arrested at White House Protesting Keystone XL
Posted: 03/02/2014
I just came back from the White House, where the police are still arresting the hundreds of students who are taking part in what will likely be the largest act of youth civil disobedience at the White House in a generation.
This is XL Dissent: a massive surge of protest against the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline and a powerful show of solidarity with all communities who are fighting the fossil fuel industry and confronting the impacts of the climate crisis.
Alberta doctor tells U.S.: Canada is ‘lying’ about tar sands’ health effects
Thursday, 27 February 2014
American Senators told that oil sands are linked to a huge spike in cancer, despite Canadian government claims
Mychaylo Prystupa
Vancouver Observer
A northern Alberta doctor warned U.S. Senators on what he says have been the devastating health impacts of the tar sands on families – effects, he says, that have been willfully “ignored” by the Canadian and Alberta governments.
13 Towns Pass Anti-Tar Sands Resolutions
By Amy Kolb Noyes
Voters in Albany, Barton, Glover, Hartland, Jay, Richmond, Sheffield, Shelburne, Stannard, Stafford, Sutton, Westmore, and Wheelock passed anti-tar sands resolutions at Town Meeting this year.
The issue was also on the Town Meeting warning in Burke, but voters there decided to table a vote after some discussion.
Tar sands experts on tap for town hall
by Jennifer Feinberg - Chilliwack Progress
Mar 5, 2014
The risks and the realities of pipelines are the focus of a town hall meeting March 7 at the Best Western Rainbow Country Inn, hosted by the PIPE UP Network.
The timing has to do with the National Energy Board gearing up for hearings on the proposed pipeline project by Kinder Morgan, which is planned to cut through communities across the Lower Mainland.