Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands



Land, regardless of whether covered by forests, tundra or grasslands, is threatened by mining operations such as Alberta’s vast open tar pit operations, or through incredible networks of “right of way” cuts for pipelines that extend in the hundreds of thousands of miles, all told, and across the continent in four directions and to three oceans—either through feeding the tarsand operations with fossil fuel energy or through feeding energy markets from tarsand operations after production. In the case of pipeline right of ways, they can blast directly through mountains or be buried in permafrost if needed, to get the energy to move.

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Land, regardless of whether covered by forests, tundra or grasslands, is threatened by mining operations such as Alberta’s vast open tar pit operations, or through incredible networks of “right of way” cuts for pipelines that extend in the hundreds of thousands of miles, all told, and across the continent in four directions and to three oceans—either through feeding the tarsand operations with fossil fuel energy or through feeding energy markets from tarsand operations after production. In the case of pipeline right of ways, they can blast directly through mountains or be buried in permafrost if needed, to get the energy to move.

Vancouver Launch of Dominion Special Tar Sands Issue

What do you know about the largest industrial project in human history?


6:30 PM ROOM 2270


Come learn about the Alberta Tar Sands and its impact on indigenous rights, the environment, labour rights including migrant workers, as well as its global consequences in an era of oil-dependency, the War on Terror, and an expanding corporate regime through the Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement.

Peak Phosphorus

by Bill Totten (December 11 2007)

In an article I posted here on December 9th entitled "What Will We Eat
as the Oil Runs Out?" Richard Heinberg refers to the peaking of another
valuable, but finite, resource:

"Phosphorus is set to become much more scarce and expensive, according to
a study by Patrick Dery, a Canadian agriculture and environment analyst
and consultant. Using data from the US Geological Survey, Dery performed
a peaking analysis on phosphate rock, similar to the techniques used by
petroleum geologists to forecast declines in production from oilfields.

Bruce Power looks at Alberta facility (for Nuclear Reactors)

Bruce Power looks at Alberta facility

By The Canadian Press
Published: 12/14/2007 - Vol. 3, No. 25

An Ontario-based company that operates Canada's first private nuclear electricity generating plant wants to build a similar facility in Alberta.

Bruce Power has announced plans to buy Energy Alberta Corp., which has already begun preliminary work on a proposal to build a nuclear plant in the Peace River area about 350 kilometres northwest of Edmonton.

The company says any decisions it makes will rely heavily on having a willing community.

The Biggest Global Warming Crime in History

The Biggest Global Warming Crime in History

By Cahal Milmo, Independent UK. Posted December 13, 2007.

The Canadian wilderness is set to be invaded by BP in an oil
exploration project dubbed 'the biggest global warming crime' in

BP, the British oil giant that pledged to move "Beyond Petroleum" by
finding cleaner ways to produce fossil fuels, is being accused of
abandoning its "green sheen" by investing nearly £1.5bn to extract
oil from the Canadian wilderness using methods which
environmentalists say are part of the "biggest global warming crime"

"B.C. shale gas set to be next generation's tar sands"

B.C. shale gas set to be next generation's oil sands
December 14, 2007

VANCOUVER -- In the remote north of the province, there is a vast warehouse of hydrocarbons lurking in difficult geology, waiting for the right combination of technology, economics and entrepreneurial guts to free them.

A generation ago, that description applied to Alberta and its oil sands. Today, that scenario is playing out in British Columbia and its shale gas fields where trillions - yes, that is a T - of cubic feet of natural gas could be on their way to market.


The climate talks are a stitch-up, as no one is talking about supply.

by George Monbiot

Published in the Guardian (December 11 2007)

Ladies and gentlemen, I have the answer! Incredible as it might seem, I
have stumbled across the single technology which will save us from
runaway climate change! From the goodness of my heart I offer it to you
for free. No patents, no small print, no hidden clauses. Already this
technology, a radical new kind of carbon capture and storage, is causing
a stir among scientists. It is cheap, it is efficient and it can be

Tar Sands vs. Clean Water: Eating the Earth for Cars

Tar Sands vs. Clean Water: Eating the Earth for Cars

by Mark Robinowitz

Global Research, December 11, 2007

The tar sands production center in northern Alberta in Canada is one of the clearest signs that the easy-to-get oil is on the wane. Tar sands are a low grade hydrocarbon deposit that requires enormous energy input to process and convert it into something resembling petroleum.

The Pew Charitable Trusts want a kinder, gentler pipeline and tarsands

The pipeline dream lurking in Canada's wild

By Steve Kallick | December 10, 2007

ONE OF many ways to combat global warming is to replace our dirtiest, carbon-polluting fuels, especially coal and oil, with cleaner fuels like natural gas. So proponents of the Mackenzie Valley pipeline, an 800-mile megaproject to tap into Canada's natural gas reserves, now say that's their plan. They want us to believe, somehow, that building this massive project through Canada's Boreal Forest wilderness will be good for the environment. Not surprisingly, a closer look at the facts suggests otherwise.

The real answer to climate change is to leave fossil fuels in the ground

Tuesday December 11, 2007
The Guardian

The real answer to climate change is to leave fossil fuels in the ground

All the talk in Bali about cutting carbon means nothing while ever more oil
and coal is being extracted and burned


George Monbiot

Ladies and gentlemen, I have the answer! Incredible as it might seem, I have
stumbled across the single technology which will save us from runaway
climate change! From the goodness of my heart, I offer it to you for free.
No patents, no small print, no hidden clauses. Already this technology, a

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