Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands

War and Security

War and Security

The tarsands are only economical at a certain price per barrel. The attacks on Iraq and Somalia, along with threats against Venezuela, Iran and elsewhere all combine to drive that price up. This significantly leaves the US economic structures able to tighten their control on oil distribution around the world as they de-diversify their oil imports to heavy reliance on tarsand (mock) oil, growing in percentage at a incredible pace. Canada is ever more integrating this (mock) oil into the North American grid, at the behest of both Canadian and American corporations. While Iraq's oil is disrupted often, Canada has no national reserve system and the corporations are aiming to extract up to 25% of American economical daily requirements from the tarsands in less than a decade. With NAFTA Expanding into the "Security and Prosperity Partnership" (SPP) more and more of these policies become removed from the public realm and help maintain exploitation and war on the planet and people within it by a tag team of nation-states from North America.

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The tarsands are only economical at a certain price per barrel. The attacks on Iraq and Somalia, along with threats against Venezuela, Iran and elsewhere all combine to drive that price up. This significantly leaves the US economic structures able to tighten their control on oil distribution around the world as they de-diversify their oil imports to heavy reliance on tarsand (mock) oil, growing in percentage at a incredible pace. Canada is ever more integrating this (mock) oil into the North American grid, at the behest of both Canadian and American corporations. While Iraq's oil is disrupted often, Canada has no national reserve system and the corporations are aiming to extract up to 25% of American economical daily requirements from the tarsands in less than a decade. With NAFTA Expanding into the "Security and Prosperity Partnership" (SPP) more and more of these policies become removed from the public realm and help maintain exploitation and war on the planet and people within it by a tag team of nation-states from North America.

Naomi Klein: Bush Sees Crises in Fuel, Food, Housing and Banking as Chance to Exploit Us More

Naomi Klein: Bush Sees Crises in Fuel, Food, Housing and Banking as Chance to Exploit Us More
By Amy Goodman
Jul 20, 2008, 06:04

People are desperate for solutions but instead they're handed policies that don't solve the crises, and are highly profitable for corporations.

Russia and Venezuela to Coordinate on Energy

Russia and Venezuela Will Coordinate on Energy
Published: July 23, 2008

MOSCOW — President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela and President Dmitri A. Medvedev of Russia declared Tuesday that their countries would more closely coordinate their actions on global oil and gas markets and that they would work together on foreign policy, a sphere in which both countries have sought to counter American influence.

Canadian energy policy "Made in USA"

Canadian energy policy "Made in USA"
The window may be closing on what's left of Canadian decision-making power over our own energy.
Dateline: Tuesday, July 22, 2008
by Linda McQuaig

When Americans want something that lies in another country, the consequences for that other country can be severe.

Even if they don't actually invade, they put a lot of pressure on lesser countries to behave as they want.

The future of the oil sands is one of the most important and contentious issues facing Canada.

The Pentagon's Toxic Legacy

The Pentagon's Toxic Legacy
July, 01 2008 By Jeffrey St.Clair and Joshua Frank

2010 Organizing and the Tar Sands: Inspiring the SPP and Helping the Olympics

2010 Organizing and the Tar Sands: Inspiring the SPP and Helping the Olympics
By Macdonald Stainsby; July 14, 2008 - Znet

For much of the last year, many of the anti-capitalist and anti-authoritarian forces across Canada have started to work towards converging many of the bigger issues to take place in 2010 into a larger whole.

Oil hits record near $147 as supply fears intensify

Oil hits record near $147 as supply fears intensify
Santosh Menon, Reuters
Published: Friday, July 11, 2008

LONDON (Reuters) - Oil leapt $5 to a new record high near $147 a barrel on Friday, spurred by growing worries of threats to supplies from Iran and Nigeria and the possibility of a strike by Brazilian oil workers next week.

U.S. crude was $4.85 at $146.50 a barrel by 9:15 a.m. EDT, off highs of $146.90, taking gains in just two sessions to over $10. It rose $5.60 or 4 percent a barrel on Thursday in a late burst of buying activity.

California gets the goods on tar sands

California gets the goods on oil sands
Alberta seeks ways to satisfy new fuel rules
Claudia Cattaneo, Financial Post Published: Thursday, July 10, 2008

CALGARY - A delegation from the federal and Alberta governments travelled to California this week to ensure its influential environmental regulator has all the facts about the oil sands before it moves forward with a low-carbon fuel standard that could discourage Canadian oil imports.

Big Oil poised to make triumphant return to Iraq

"Anyone who thinks the invasion of Iraq accomplished nothing probably isn't sitting inside the boardrooms of some of the most powerful companies on Earth."

Toronto Star July 5, 2008 // Linda McQuaig
Big Oil poised to make triumphant return to Iraq
Small service contracts announced last week are a step toward major development deals

Peak Oil: IEA Inches Toward the Pessimists’ Camp

July 1, 2008, 2:56 pm
Peak Oil: IEA Inches Toward the Pessimists’ Camp
Posted by Keith Johnson

What’s up with oil prices? Well, it’s not speculators, and there’s no relief in sight, meaning at least five more years of high prices with no easy fixes. The ugly truth? Peak oil isn’t fringe anymore—it’s going mainstream.

That’s the reading from the latest oil market report from the International Energy Agency, the rich-country energy watchdog. The IEA’s latest x-ray of the oil market includes plenty of disturbing nuggets.

Disaster Capitalism: State of Extortion

Disaster Capitalism: State of Extortion
by Naomi Klein
July 3, 2008
The Nation

Once oil passed $140 a barrel, even the most rabidly right-wing media hosts had to prove their populist cred by devoting a portion of every show to bashing Big Oil. Some have gone so far as to invite me on for a friendly chat about an insidious new phenomenon: “disaster capitalism.” It usually goes well–until it doesn’t.

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