Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands



Water is needed in huge amounts in tarsands production and in all other construction stages of tarsands infrastructure across the continent. It takes five litres of water to produce one of usable petrol. There is also water used to move gas, build new tar pits or that water which becomes polluted in the outlying areas. Waste tailings ponds are so vast as to be visible from outer space at this early point in production. Water is now being privatized in slow motion, as “access rights” are available in Alberta. As production grows and climate change continues to parch southern Albertan land, more and more water will be needed to help supply fuel for the American market. This water will ultimately be diverted from rivers, lakes, farms and cities throughout Canada; the water levels in the Athabasca River have already dropped several meters. The Deh Cho/Mackenzie River is already threatened, both from development along its valley and it is downstream from tar sands operations. A generation ago, the Athabasca River was clear and drinking was common. Now, those that live with the river consider it poison and off-limits.

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Water is needed in huge amounts in tarsands production and in all other construction stages of tarsands infrastructure across the continent. It takes five litres of water to produce one of usable petrol. There is also water used to move gas, build new tar pits or that water which becomes polluted in the outlying areas. Waste tailings ponds are so vast as to be visible from outer space at this early point in production. Water is now being privatized in slow motion, as “access rights” are available in Alberta. As production grows and climate change continues to parch southern Albertan land, more and more water will be needed to help supply fuel for the American market. This water will ultimately be diverted from rivers, lakes, farms and cities throughout Canada; the water levels in the Athabasca River have already dropped several meters. The Deh Cho/Mackenzie River is already threatened, both from development along its valley and it is downstream from tar sands operations. A generation ago, the Athabasca River was clear and drinking was common. Now, those that live with the river consider it poison and off-limits.

"Protect land ahead of [Mackenzie] pipeline, review panel told on last days of hearings"

Protect land ahead of pipeline, review panel told on last days of hearings

November 5, 2007 - 17:53


In two years of hearings in 26 northern communities, a panel reviewing the potential environmental and social impacts of a $16-billion natural gas pipeline down the Mackenzie Valley took in enough submissions to block a herd of caribou.

Greenpeace Opens Alberta Legislature Sitting with High Flying Protest

Greenpeace Opens Alberta Legislature Sitting with High Flying Protest

Edmonton, Canada — Four Greenpeace activists suspended their bodies 138 feet over the North Saskatchewan River today to hang two 23 x 50 foot banners from the High Level Bridge in Edmonton. The banners depict the areas under current and projected tar sands development with the message "Stop the Tar Sands." They hang in full view of the Alberta legislature, which opened today.

Nuclear power talks continue [Whitecourt]

Nuclear power talks continue in the county
Despite questions from Woodlands County council the province has declined to get involved in the nuclear power discussion.

Chandra Lye
Star Staff
Wednesday October 31, 2007
A letter received from Sustainable Resource Development (SRD) Minister Ted Morton told council that the department would not consider a land purchase application, submitted this summer, because of Energy Alberta’s decision to build a nuclear plant in Peace River.

TransCanada Trying to Streamline Regulatory Process for Keystone in N Dakota

Pipeline developer says requested delay would be costly

The Associated Press - Saturday, November 03, 2007

An oil pipeline executive says the city of Fargo's request to delay a Canadian pipeline project would add up to $100 million in costs.

Fargo wants North Dakota's Public Service Commission to reopen hearings on the Keystone pipeline.

Keystone Vice President Robert Jones says Fargo had a chance to take part in earlier hearings about the project and did not.

US Groups Identifying Tar Sands as "threat # 1"

Oil sands seen as 'threat No. 1,' as U.S. may target dirtier fuels
October 30, 2007

Canadian oil sands producers should brace for further bad news - this time from south of the border, as the U.S. government moves toward a national climate change policy that could target dirtier fossil fuels such as the oil sands bitumen, a former U.S. energy official said yesterday.

TransCanada Talking about Huge Role in MGP

“I think we look forward a little more optimistically because I don’t think anyone would be more aware than us of the challenges of sustaining gas production in Alberta,” he said.

It is arrogant when I see this, and mentally put it along side what MGP proponents in their office in Inuvik explained about the gas going to fuel the tar sands: "It is not up to our control as producers to determine who buys it on a free market".

Environmentalism in Alberta?

October 30, 2007

Environmentalism in Alberta?
Activists say communities are beginning to stand up to tar sands

by Samantha Power

The Dominion - http://www.dominionpaper.ca

"Stop the tar sands man" and other demonstrators appeared outside a stampede breakfast hosted by Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach. Activists say Albertans are increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of oil development.

The dirty truth about Canada's tar-sands baby

The dirty truth about Canada's tar-sands baby
Joshua Keating
Tue, 10/30/2007

Food or BioFuel? According to the IMF and others

Biofuels Hurt Food Prices, Water Quality and Supply 23 October 07

Scientists, researchers and economists are warning the production of biofuels could undermine food output, drive up food prices, create water shortages, and impact water quality.

An International Water Management Institute report examines China and India's plans to increase biofuel production from irrigated maize and sugarcane. The report indicates biofuels will require large quantities of water, and increase demand for land at the expense of nature.

A New Wave of Exploitation

October 24, 2007
A New Wave of Exploitation
Canada, Alberta defy UN, sell off rights to disputed Lubicon land

by Kevin Thomas

The Dominion - http://www.dominionpaper.ca

Elder Reinie Jobin examines Lubicon land razed by oil companies. The Lubicon were not consulted or notified. Photo: Friends of the Lubicon

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