Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands



Water is needed in huge amounts in tarsands production and in all other construction stages of tarsands infrastructure across the continent. It takes five litres of water to produce one of usable petrol. There is also water used to move gas, build new tar pits or that water which becomes polluted in the outlying areas. Waste tailings ponds are so vast as to be visible from outer space at this early point in production. Water is now being privatized in slow motion, as “access rights” are available in Alberta. As production grows and climate change continues to parch southern Albertan land, more and more water will be needed to help supply fuel for the American market. This water will ultimately be diverted from rivers, lakes, farms and cities throughout Canada; the water levels in the Athabasca River have already dropped several meters. The Deh Cho/Mackenzie River is already threatened, both from development along its valley and it is downstream from tar sands operations. A generation ago, the Athabasca River was clear and drinking was common. Now, those that live with the river consider it poison and off-limits.

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Water is needed in huge amounts in tarsands production and in all other construction stages of tarsands infrastructure across the continent. It takes five litres of water to produce one of usable petrol. There is also water used to move gas, build new tar pits or that water which becomes polluted in the outlying areas. Waste tailings ponds are so vast as to be visible from outer space at this early point in production. Water is now being privatized in slow motion, as “access rights” are available in Alberta. As production grows and climate change continues to parch southern Albertan land, more and more water will be needed to help supply fuel for the American market. This water will ultimately be diverted from rivers, lakes, farms and cities throughout Canada; the water levels in the Athabasca River have already dropped several meters. The Deh Cho/Mackenzie River is already threatened, both from development along its valley and it is downstream from tar sands operations. A generation ago, the Athabasca River was clear and drinking was common. Now, those that live with the river consider it poison and off-limits.

"Bruce Power launches nuclear power feasibility study"

Bruce Power launches nuclear power feasibility study
Cassandra Kyle, Saskatchewan News Network; Canwest News Service
Published: Wednesday, June 18, 2008

SASKATOON -- A feasibility study into the potential for a nuclear energy plant in Saskatchewan will be complete by the end of the year, according to the president and CEO of Bruce Power LP, a nuclear power producer in Ontario.

Canadians, Americans split on tar sands

Canadians, Americans split on oil sands


June 11, 2008

CALGARY -- A majority of Canadians and Americans see the oil sands as economically important, but Canadians are more concerned about related environmental problems, a survey has found.

The study, carried out by public relations firm Fleishman-Hillard, found that 75 per cent of Canadians surveyed, and 68 per cent of Americans, believe future development of the oil sands is a "good thing."

Industry PR: Tar sands tarred with environmentalists' brush

Hyperbolic invective like this should be embraced and treasured, not shunned. It is a sign of power, and not vulnerability that hogwash can be printed like this.


Oil sands tarred with environmentalists' brush
By: Marilyn Scales

In the last couple of weeks environmentalists have loudly condemned Canada's oil sands producers. They call the industry dirty, polluting and a potential cause of increasingly foul emissions from U.S. refineries. These loudmouths have even reverted to the name "tar sands" lest anyone think "oil sands" is more benign.

First Nations town plans road blockade

First Nations town plans road blockade
Florence Loyie, The Edmonton Journal
June 13, 2008

EDMONTON - A First Nations community straddling a section of the border between northern Alberta and British Columbia is planning a blockade later this month to draw attention to health and safety concerns caused by oil and gas exploration on its traditional lands.

Clayton Anderson, a consultant working for Kelly Lake Cree Nation, said the blockade will be held in conjunction with an emergency disaster preparedness drill the community plans for next week.

Green groups say US refiners produce more greenhouse gases with tar sands

Green groups say US refiners produce more greenhouse gases with oilsands

(AlbertaIndex, June 10, Tuesday) --- Two green lobbies have charged that US refiners will produce much more greenhouse gases processing Canada’s oilsands than if they used ‘traditional’ crude oil.
The Washington DC-based Environmental Integrity Project (EIP) and Toronto-headquartered Environmental Defence Canada (EDC) said the emissions production increase would be the equivalent of 16 new refineries in the US.

Heavy Problem: Dirtier Oil, Though Cheaper, Sparks Green Backlash

Heavy Problem: Dirtier Oil, Though Cheaper, Sparks Green Backlash
June 12, 2008, 11:45 am
The Wall Street Journal’s Ben Casselman reports:

Cheap oil! Get your cheap oil here!

Well, “cheap” may be pushing it. But even as benchmark crude futures have soared above $130 per barrel, there’s still oil out there for about $105 a barrel. The bad news: it’s nasty stuff.

No balance on tar sands

No balance on tar sands
Jun 10, 2008 04:30 AM

Prime Minister Stephen Harper often talks about finding the right balance between economic growth and environmental protection.

But Harper put growth well ahead of the environment last week when he gave the green light to Imperial Oil's proposed $8 billion Kearl tar-sands project, which is predicted to create 3.7 million tonnes of greenhouse gases annually – equivalent to putting another 800,000 cars on the road.

Council backs spill response planning [Kitimat]

Council backs spill response planning
June 11, 2008

A Geographic Response Plan (GRP) is being piloted for Kitimat through the BC Environment ministry.

The project is being led by Mike Drumm, from the ministry office in Smithers.

He told city council a GRP contains maps and descriptions of sensitive natural and cultural resources as well as outline strategies to minimize damage from an oil spill.

“GRPs are designed to reduce those decision making times,” explained Drumm.

S Dakota: Settlement reached in Keystone pipeline's first eminent domain trials

Settlement reached in Keystone pipeline's first eminent domain trials

Associated Press - June 9, 2008 7:05 PM ET

PIERRE, S.D. (AP) - Some landowners in eastern South Dakota have reached a settlement with TransCanada Keystone for the company's use of eminent domain to build an oil pipeline.

Terms of the agreement were confidential.

The company, based in Calgary, Alberta, is building a more-than 2,000-mile pipeline designed to deliver 590,000 barrels of crude oil daily from Alberta to refineries in Oklahoma and Illinois. The pipeline will run through Nebraska.

Ottawa awards BP $1.2B in exploration permits in Beaufort Sea

Ottawa awards BP $1.2B in exploration permits in Beaufort Sea
Last Updated: Monday, June 9, 2008
CBC News

Energy giant BP came out the big winner in the federal government's latest auction for oil and gas exploration leases in the Beaufort Sea, offering to spend nearly $1.2 billion to explore on the Arctic seabed.

BP Exploration Company Ltd. won three of five exploration leases announced late Friday by the federal Indian and Northern Affairs Department.

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