Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands



Animal habitats and health are affected by tar sands production, whether from loss of habitat to any of the infrastructure developments across the continent, or through changes in the atmosphere such as melting polar ice caps in the Arctic brought on by out of control C02 emissions. Poisoning waterways, the food supply and the air in the immediate and not-so immediate surroundings has led to drops and even disappearances of species near pipelines, platforms and other infrastructure of the tarsands.

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Animal habitats and health are affected by tar sands production, whether from loss of habitat to any of the infrastructure developments across the continent, or through changes in the atmosphere such as melting polar ice caps in the Arctic brought on by out of control C02 emissions. Poisoning waterways, the food supply and the air in the immediate and not-so immediate surroundings has led to drops and even disappearances of species near pipelines, platforms and other infrastructure of the tarsands.

Tar sands companies have PR problem: survey

Oilsands companies have PR problem: survey
By Dave Cooper, edmontonjournal.com
January 8, 2009

EDMONTON - Oilsands producers have received the word from the public — half don't believe what they are being told.

An industry-funded poll released Thursday found a lot of mistrust among respondents in Edmonton and Toronto. However, Edmontonians were generally more favourable towards the industry than Torontonians, particularly on questions around environmental responsibility.

Syncrude facing private prosecution over dead ducks

Syncrude facing private prosecution over dead ducks
Globe and Mail Update
January 7, 2009

An Alberta resident launched a private prosecution against one of the country's largest oils-sands' operators, alleging that it was responsible for killing 500 ducks at its northern Alberta facility last spring.

Jeh Custer, a member of the Sierra Club Canada, commenced legal action in Edmonton Wednesday against Syncrude Canada Ltd. He said that if nothing was done, such practices by oil companies would continue without consequences.

The Costly Compromises of Oil From Sand

The Costly Compromises of Oil From Sand
Published: January 6, 2009
New York Times

OTTAWA — The oil that is extracted from Canadian dirt is being portrayed as saving America from energy dependence on the unstable Middle East, or an environmental catastrophe in the making — depending on the perspective.

The Conservative government of Canada, led by Prime Minister Stephen Harper, has championed the industry.

Native leaders say climate affecting caribou populations

Native leaders say climate affecting caribou populations
ALLIANCE: Indigenous groups want to participate in global warming talks.
The Associated Press
December 23rd, 2008

POZNAN, Poland -- Chief Bill Erasmus of the Dene nation in northern Canada brought a stark warning about the climate crisis: The once abundant herds of caribou are dwindling, rivers are running lower and the ice is too thin to hunt on.

The unjustifiable destruction of the environment (Fidel on the tar sands)

Reflections of Fidel
The unjustifiable destruction of the environment

CAN capitalist society avoid it? News about the issue is not encouraging. In Poznan, they are discussing the project to be presented in December of next year in Copenhagen, where the agreement that will replace the Kyoto Protocol will be discussed and voted on.

Council of Canadians blasts Alta. gov’t (over possible censorship of film productions)

Council of Canadians blasts Alta. gov’t (over possible censorship of film productions)
Fort McMurray Today staff

The Council of Canadians is asking Albertans to say no to censorship after the province recently suggested rethinking the funding of productions critical of the oilsands.

Who's dishing real tar sands propaganda?

Who's dishing real oilsands propaganda?
Gov't decries environmentalist agenda, but refuses to subject data to non-partisan scientific scrutiny

By David Schindler December 15, 2008

This week, Alberta Environment Minister Rob Renner is in Poland, expected to defend the oilsands from being considered as a source of "dirty oil." I don't envy him. In the past, international criticism has been largely based on the high emissions of greenhouse gases from mining the oilsands. This is changing rapidly in recent weeks.

Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation takes province to court over tar sands leasing

First Nation takes province to court over oilsands leasing
Thursday, December 11, 2008
CBC News

Chief Allan Adam of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation speaks to reporters in Edmonton on Thursday.Chief Allan Adam of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation speaks to reporters in Edmonton on Thursday. (CBC)

The Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation in northern Alberta announced Thursday it has filed a request asking a court to review how Alberta grants leases for oilsands developments.

The notice was filed Wednesday in Edmonton's Court of Queen's Bench.

Polluted tar sands ponds leaking, report indicates

Polluted tar sands ponds leaking, report indicates
December 9, 2008

The tailings ponds storing waste water left over from the processing of Alberta tar sands oil are leaking an estimated 11 million litres of contaminated water every day, according to a new report.

The figure, one of the first publicly available on the scale of the seepage from tailing ponds that dot the landscape in Northern Alberta, is being released today in a report by Environmental Defence, a Toronto-based conservation advocacy group.

Great Lakes, Great Peril: Oil and Water

Great Lakes, Great Peril: Oil and Water
Little city is at center of a great debate
Pipes link the Great Lakes with massive oil reserves in friendly Alberta. They may bring jobs, energy and pollution. And it's all happening as the century of oil gives way to the century of water.

By Dan Egan of the Journal Sentinel
Posted: Dec. 6, 2008

Great Lakes-Alberta tar sands connection
Journal Sentinel

First of two parts

Superior - U.S. dependence on foreign oil conjures images of derricks pecking at Saudi Arabian sands or supertankers steaming for coastal refineries.

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