Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands



Animal habitats and health are affected by tar sands production, whether from loss of habitat to any of the infrastructure developments across the continent, or through changes in the atmosphere such as melting polar ice caps in the Arctic brought on by out of control C02 emissions. Poisoning waterways, the food supply and the air in the immediate and not-so immediate surroundings has led to drops and even disappearances of species near pipelines, platforms and other infrastructure of the tarsands.

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Animal habitats and health are affected by tar sands production, whether from loss of habitat to any of the infrastructure developments across the continent, or through changes in the atmosphere such as melting polar ice caps in the Arctic brought on by out of control C02 emissions. Poisoning waterways, the food supply and the air in the immediate and not-so immediate surroundings has led to drops and even disappearances of species near pipelines, platforms and other infrastructure of the tarsands.

"Indians: Tar sands development 'genocide'"

"Indians: Oil sands development 'genocide'"

EDMONTON, Alberta, Nov. 24 (UPI) -- A Canadian Indian rights advocate claims oil sands development in Alberta is akin to genocide from water contamination on reservation lands.

Speaking at a conference in Edmonton Sunday, Mike Mercredi, 33, said death rates at the Fort Chipewyan reservation's 1,200 people 400 miles northeast of Edmonton were on the rise, the Edmonton Sun reported.

'It's killing us off'

Mon, November 24, 2008
'It's killing us off'
Oilsands development a danger to aboriginal community: Band member

Mike Mercredi, a community member of Fort Chipewyan, was on hand yesterday at Edmonton’s Native Friendship Centre to talk about the impact an oilsands development is having on his First Nations community.

Fort Chipewyan is facing a "genocide" from oilsands development, says a member of the First Nation.

TransCanada invades Lubicon Territory

TransCanada Pipelines is an official supplier to the 2010 Games.

This pipeline will provide enough gas to *almost triple* current already
insane tar sands production levels.

Lubicon lands will be destroyed so that the speed with which the
destruction of the tar sands advances through towards Fort Chip and
elsewhere can go up massively and much faster.

Little Buffalo still has no running water.
The lake has not been potable for a few decades now.


TransCanada invades Lubicon Territory
... in order to "meet the public interest"?
Now this deserves a response.

Air- and water-monitoring program "promised" for Fort Chipewyan

Air- and water-monitoring program promised for Fort Chipewyan
Last Updated: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 | CBC

Alberta's environment minister said Monday he will support the creation of a program to help people in the northern part of the province check if their food, air or water is contaminated.

Rob Renner made the promise after meeting with representatives of First Nations in Fort Chipewyan, Alta.

'They are flexing their muscles' [Tahltan Nation]

'They are flexing their muscles'

Companies want to mine a remote region of B.C., but, unlike some previous bands, the Tahltan insist on controlling access to the area


September 27, 2008

VANCOUVER -- Between the abandoned mining town of Cassiar and the struggling port of Stewart, in the northwest corner of British Columbia, Highway 37 runs through one of the most dramatic and resource-rich landscapes in Canada.

Bush Officials Moving Fast to Cut Environmental Protections

Umm, don't legacy seekers usually do something in the direction of repenting? A little bit, maybe?


Published on Friday, November 7, 2008 by McClatchy Newspapers

Bush Officials Moving Fast to Cut Environmental Protections
by Renee Schoof

WASHINGTON - Not done making a mess of the world yet.

US President George W. Bush walks away after discussing the
transition with the incoming administration of U.S. President-elect
arack Obama with staff members, on the South Lawn of the White
House, November 6, 2008. In

"Where I Come From Is Ground Zero"

OIL SANDS-PART 2: "Where I Come From Is Ground Zero"
By Chris Arsenault*

Michael Mercredi, a member of the Athabasca Chipewyan/Dene First Nation, says people in his small community are experiencing rare cancers because of the tar sands.

Credit:Chris Arsenault/IPS

FT. MCMURRAY, Oct 17 (IPS) - The wheels of the Caterpillar 797B, the world's largest truck, are always going round and round at Shell Canada's Albian Sands mine.

Scream star 'horrified' by tar sands

Scream star 'horrified' by oilsands
edmonton journal
Published: 9:56 am

EDMONTON - Actress Neve Campbell toured the Fort McMurray oilsands this week and met with leaders of the Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation and the Mikisew Cree First Nation.

"I'm horrified by the pace and scale of development in the tar sands, and the weak response by our federal and provincial governments," Campbell said in a news release today.

"First Nations fine with tar sands" -- corporate spin.

Fred McDonald, listed as "proof" of how good things are for Fort MacKay, has written a book where he lies about his own history and got Syncrude to publish it. He doesn't have cred even in the village itself.


First Nations fine with oilsands
October 2, 2008


Billy Bob: "The doctor said he'd have me walking within two weeks."

Skeeter: "Was he successful?"

Billy Bob: "Yep. I had to sell my car to pay his bill."


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