Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands



Economics drive tar sands operations. Record highs in oil prices, though still fluctuating, will make tar sand oil ‘economical’ (read: profitable) well into the future. Government subsidies to this environmentally disastrous process remain in place from a time when the federal government was sponsoring research into the possibility of recovering this oil. Stock prices of tar sands developers grow the more conventional oil is scarce.

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Economics drive tar sands operations. Record highs in oil prices, though still fluctuating, will make tar sand oil ‘economical’ (read: profitable) well into the future. Government subsidies to this environmentally disastrous process remain in place from a time when the federal government was sponsoring research into the possibility of recovering this oil. Stock prices of tar sands developers grow the more conventional oil is scarce.

"Poor leadership nudged push for eminent domain" [Keystone Pipeline]

Poor leadership nudged push for eminent domain (S Dakota)
Apr 20, 2008
Eminent domain is now front and center in the TransCanada Keystone Pipeline project.

Eminent domain, according to library.findlaw.com, is sometimes called "condemnation," and is the legal process by which a public body (and certain private bodies, such as utility companies, railroads, redevelopment corporations and -- in this case -- a pipeline company) is given the legal power to acquire private property for a use that has been declared to be public by a constitution, statute or ordinance.

China's thirst for oil isn't being quenched by Albertan crude

China's thirst for oil isn't being quenched by Albertan crude
Relations between Canada and 'the dragon' are at a 30-year low, expert says
Shaun Polczer, Canwest News Service
April 21, 2008

Despite Asia's insatiable thirst for oil, the prospects for oil exports from Alberta to the Far East are growing more remote by the day, a leading China expert said in Calgary last week.

BP Sent Talking Points to Governor (Whiting Refinery Expansion, Indiana)

Report: BP Sent Talking Points to Governor
InsideINdianaBusiness.com Report

The Office of Governor Mitch Daniels is denying any intervention on behalf of BP Whiting's request for an air permit after the Gary Post-Tribune reports that the company maintained contact with state officials. The Post-Tribune obtained materials include talking points, advance copies of newspaper ads and company responses to media inquiries.

The Post-Tribune also reports that BP met with state officials prior to a public hearing on the air permit.

Rain doesn't halt BP protest (Whiting Indiana)

Rain doesn't halt BP protest
By Erik Potter
(Chicago) Post-Tribune
April 21, 2008

Mother Earth was feeling a little crabby on Saturday's Earth Day activities in Whiting.

Rain pounded the area all day, but subsided long enough for the group of area residents and environmentalists to hold an outdoors rally at Whiting's Whihala County Park.

The group was protesting the $3.8 billion expansion of the BP's Whiting Refinery facility, which will allow it to process crude oil extracted from Canadian tar sand.

Senator wants U.S. bill killed that limits tar sands imports

Senator wants U.S. bill killed that limits oilsands imports
Canadian energy key to security of America
Dan Healing, With a file from Geoffrey Scotton, Calgary Herald
Published: Wednesday, April 09, 2008

A U.S. senator called Tuesday for the repeal as soon as possible of an energy bill provision signed into law by President George W. Bush in December that could prevent government purchases of fuel originating in Alberta's oilsands.

"Alberta plans to satisfy world's tar sands concerns"

Alberta plans to satisfy world's oilsands concerns
Expansion must be done responsibly, premier says
RENATA D'ALIESIO, Calgary Herald
Published: Friday, April 18, 2008

Alberta must develop its energy resources in a responsible and sustainable way because the eyes of the world are closely watching, Premier Ed Stelmach said Thursday.

In particular, they're eyeing the oilsands and how the second-largest reserve in the world is developed. Stelmach noted $20 billion of new investment is projected for the oilsands this year, according to Statistics Canada.

Oil soars to record above $117

Oil soars to record above $117
Ikuko Kao, Reuters
Published: 48 minutes ago

LONDON (Reuters) - Crude oil prices surged above $117, setting a new record high on Monday because of worries of supply disruptions from major producers and comments by OPEC reiterating there is no need to raise output.

U.S. light crude struck a record high of $117.40 a barrel. It was trading 27 cents higher at $116.96 by 1155 GMT (7:55 a.m. EDT).

London Brent crude also struck its all time peak of $114.65. It was trading at $114.20, up by 28 cents.

Native chief seeks help of Venezuela's Chavez

Native chief seeks help of Venezuela's Chavez
He'll ask President to help stop profitable U.S.-bound oil pipelines

>From Thursday's Globe and Mail

April 17, 2008 at 5:25 AM EDT

WINNIPEG - An outspoken Canadian native leader is urging Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to throw his weight behind an attempt to block two multibillion-dollar pipelines that will transport oil from Alberta to the United States.

[Keystone] Oil pipeline developers want ND route changes

Oil pipeline developers want ND route changes
By DALE WETZEL Associated Press Writer
The Associated Press - Thursday, April 17, 2008

State regulators will hold a hearing next month on 49 proposed changes in the North Dakota route of the Keystone oil pipeline, which is intended to bring crude from western Canada to Oklahoma and Illinois.

"Wake up America!" From the Rouseau River First Nation government.

Here are the links to the videos





Roseau River is serious about ensuring that the oil pipelines scheduled to
pass through our territory do no pass without the government of Canada
fulfilling it's lawful obligation to consult and accommodate the First
Nation as set in many Supreme Court of Canada decisions.

The Alberta Clipper and Keystone Project will pump $47 billion worth of
crude oil to the US market every year. Ten years ago a group of us left to

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