Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands



Economics drive tar sands operations. Record highs in oil prices, though still fluctuating, will make tar sand oil ‘economical’ (read: profitable) well into the future. Government subsidies to this environmentally disastrous process remain in place from a time when the federal government was sponsoring research into the possibility of recovering this oil. Stock prices of tar sands developers grow the more conventional oil is scarce.

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Economics drive tar sands operations. Record highs in oil prices, though still fluctuating, will make tar sand oil ‘economical’ (read: profitable) well into the future. Government subsidies to this environmentally disastrous process remain in place from a time when the federal government was sponsoring research into the possibility of recovering this oil. Stock prices of tar sands developers grow the more conventional oil is scarce.

Clay County commissioners reach impasse on Keystone crossing fees

Clay County commissioners reach impasse on Keystone crossing fees

Pipelines International, December 01, 2009

Commissioners from Clay County in Kansas, United States of America, have instructed the County Highway Department to refrain from issuing any road crossing permits required to construct TransCanada’s Keystone Pipeline until the issue of road crossing fees has been resolved.

Clay County has proposed a “road crossing fee” of $US1,500 for each road crossed by the Keystone Pipeline in their county.

Jim Hansen Takes on NRDC and Bank of America

Jim Hansen Takes on NRDC and Bank of America

November 30th, 2009

Will the media and policy makers finally wake up and pay attention after the world’s leading global warming scientists takes the extraordinary and unprecedented step to publicly criticize US national environmental groups for their lax posture on global warming?

Or will the mighty Obama Administration, Democratic Washington DC beltway, and corporate PR Wurlitzer continue to dominate US public opinion?

Full article, with important and informative photos:

The Most Urgent Threat to World Peace Is … Canada

The Most Urgent Threat to World Peace Is … Canada

By George Monbiot, Monbiot.com. Posted December 2, 2009.

The harm this country could do in the next two weeks will outweigh all the good it has done in a century.

Activists Protest Natural Resources Defense Council for Collaborating With Polluters

Activists Protest Natural Resources Defense Council for Collaborating With Polluters

By Joseph Huff-Hannon , Huffington Post. Posted December 1, 2009.

The protestors say that the environmental advocacy group has aligned itself with corporate interests whose goals for reducing emissions are far too limited.

Wet’suwet’en layout opposition of Enbridge gateway

Wet’suwet’en layout opposition of Enbridge gateway
By Rikki Schierer - Houston Today

Published: November 25, 2009
Updated: November 27, 2009

The Wet’suwet’en are outright opposed for the proposed development of Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipelines.

That was the message from Dave deWit, the Wet’suwet’en’s Natural Resources Manager, who was on the panel of speakers at last Tuesday’s Committee of the Whole meeting where representatives from Northern Gateway, Pembina Institute and the National Energy Board were on hand to discuss the proposed pipeline project.

Enbridge Holding Private Meetings along BC "Corridor".

Enbridge advisory meeting to be held
December 01, 2009
Terrace Standard

Enbridge Northern Gateway will be holding meetings in Kitimat and Smithers next week, some that will be open to the general public and some that won’t.

Enbridge’s multi-billion dollar proposed pipeline project would transport oil and condensate through twin pipelines between Alberta and Kitimat, with the oil being shipped overseas.

Oil exports to Asia drive expansion plans at B.C. ports in Vancouver and Kitimat

Oil exports to Asia drive expansion plans at B.C. ports in Vancouver and Kitimat

Dredging First and Second Narrows in Burrard Inlet to allow passage of larger ships is already on the agenda

By Don Whiteley, Special to The Sun
December 1, 2009

VANCOUVER — In the past six months, the concept of Canada shipping crude oil to Asian markets has warmed considerably, with major Chinese and Korean investments in Alberta’s oilsands developments and the impending announcement of serious backers (likely Asian) for a new crude-oil pipeline to Kitimat stoking the fires.

Peak Everything

Peak Everything

By Gunther Ostermann

28 November, 2009

The former media mogul Ted Turner challenged us in 1992 with this statement:' If we don't make the right choices after we have all the information, then we don't deserve to live."

Well, we have more than enough information. Oil and gas, the stored sun's energy, which took hundreds of millions of years to incubate, gone forever within this century. We are, in fact, approaching PEAK EVERYTHING.

Group formed to oppose Enbridge pipeline plan

Group formed to oppose pipeline plan
Written by Gordon Hoekstra
Prince George Citizen staff
Thursday, 26 November 2009

A new environmental group based in Prince George has been formed to fight Enbridge's proposed $4.5-billion oil and condensate pipelines through northern B.C.

EnCana sour gas leak under investigation in B.C.

EnCana sour gas leak under investigation in B.C.
November 27, 2009 |
CBC News

A safety investigation is being carried out by the B.C. Oil and Gas Commission after a dangerous sour gas leak from an EnCana pipeline forced about 15 northeastern B.C. residents to flee their homes on Sunday.

EnCana has yet to say what caused the leak at a well located about 10 kilometres south of Pouce Coupe, but officials have confirmed it was not caused by sabotage.

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