Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands



Forests lose more trees and habitat to pipeline “right of way” cuts and tar pit building than to clearcuts. With minor variation, pipelines go the direct route. Through the strip mining of the land that contains tarsand petroleum and through pipeline construction to accomodate, only the Amazon Basin in Brazil would see larger rates of deforestation than the Boreal forest cover surrendered to the tarsands. Roads often accompany pipelines, as do various other developments. Hundreds of thousands of miles of forests, all combined, have been lost to infrastructure built to accommodate tarsands operations. Now the industry wants to build two approximately 1200 km long Mackenzie and Gateway pipelines as well as 2700 km's from Alaska's North Slope to accomodate tarsand oil production.

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Forests lose more trees and habitat to pipeline “right of way” cuts and tar pit building than to clearcuts. With minor variation, pipelines go the direct route. Through the strip mining of the land that contains tarsand petroleum and through pipeline construction to accomodate, only the Amazon Basin in Brazil would see larger rates of deforestation than the Boreal forest cover surrendered to the tarsands. Roads often accompany pipelines, as do various other developments. Hundreds of thousands of miles of forests, all combined, have been lost to infrastructure built to accommodate tarsands operations. Now the industry wants to build two approximately 1200 km long Mackenzie and Gateway pipelines as well as 2700 km's from Alaska's North Slope to accomodate tarsand oil production.

Enbridge Gateway Pipeline Across North BC Gets a "Boost"

Enbridge makes pipeline progress
(News) Saturday, 09 February 2008, 01:00 PST

Enbridge says it has secured third-party funding to advance the regulatory process of its proposed $4-billion pipeline project through northern B.C., which would open up the possibility of shipping Alberta oilsands oil to markets in Asia.

The company included the third-party funding information as part of an update on projects under development released in year-end financial results, a $636 million profit for 2007.

How the North Central Corridor and the Mackenzie Gas Project will Team to make Billions for TransCanada

Feb. 1, 2008

TransCanada acquisitions boost profit
$250 milion Bruce power overruns the lone dark spot in picture

TransCanada Corp. has seen its recent profits surge as the Calgary-based pipeline and power utility made several acquisitions and juggled a number of expensive mega-projects.

Profit for the fourth quarter was $377 million, up from $269 million. Revenue rose to $2.19 billion from $2.09 billion.

WBNP Officials and Native Leaders Address Water Quality in Peace-Athabasca Delta

WBNP Officials and Native Leaders Address Water Quality in Peace-Athabasca Delta

Ongoing concerns about water quality and possible contamination brought officials from Wood Buffalo National Park (WBNP) and regional native government representatives to Fort Chipewyan Wednesday, Jan. 16. The Peace-Athabasca Delta was the focus of talks, as it lies downstream from the oil sands extraction operations of Fort McMurray.

Gnostic insights illuminate Alberta Tar Sands prosperity as an apparent Manipulative Extraterrestrial Virtual Reality illusion

Gnostic insights illuminate Alberta Tar Sands prosperity as an apparent Manipulative Extraterrestrial Virtual Reality illusion
by Peter Tremblay

Suncor announces $20.6 billion tar pit expansion

Suncor announces $20.6 billion oil sands expansion
Canwest News Service
Published: Wednesday, January 30, 2008

OTTAWA - Oilsands producer Suncor Energy has approved a $20.6-billion expansion to boost crude oil production by 200,000 barrels at its facility north of Fort McMurray, Alta.

The company said its board had approved the expenditure as part of its goal to increase output to 550,000 barrels per day in 2012.

Green groups rally against tar sands development

Green groups rally against oil sands development
From Monday's Globe and Mail

January 28, 2008 at 5:09 AM EST

VANCOUVER — An environmental group that successfully shifted the buying power of Victoria's Secret, Home Depot and Staples in a campaign to protect British Columbia's old-growth forests has now turned its attention to Alberta's northern oil industry.

"Re-learning" what we've forgotten

by Chris Maser

Culture Change (January 06 2008)

Editor's note: This is Chris Maser's Part Three of his series for
Culture Change. I ate this one up, because ever since I read a 1987
article in Discover magazine by Jared Diamond, about hunter-gatherers'
working only a few hours a day a few days a week, I've been aware that
our modern way of life is not what it's cracked up to be. In Maser's
article there is solid anthropological insight applicable to our current
challenge as a dysfunctional society facing extinction. In his eighteen

Time has come to defend environment

Time has come to defend environment
Posted 1 day ago

Sir: Are Canadians going to stand idly by while the American czars of the Alberta Oil Sands and our politicians play Russian Roulette with their health and their future? Will Vice-President Dick Cheney and the Americans continue to buy Canada's super dirty oil in desperation? Will the horrendous environmental destruction wreaked by the Alberta Tar Sands Projects and their colossal impact on climate change qualify as Canada's "Crime Against Humanity?"

A licence to pollute dressed up in rhetorical petticoats

A licence to pollute dressed up in rhetorical petticoats

From Saturday's Globe and Mail
January 26, 2008 at 12:00 AM EST

Canada's conventional oil supplies are running down. They are being replaced with oil from Alberta's tar sands.

Each barrel of tar-sands oil produces two to three times more greenhouse-gas emissions than a barrel of conventional oil. The result is obvious: Greenhouse-gas emissions from Alberta oil have been rising.

Premier tells U.S. that environmental toll from tar sands is a "myth"

Premier tells U.S. that environmental toll from oilsands is a "myth"
5 days ago

WASHINGTON - Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach asked American business leaders Wednesday not to buy into the "myth" that oilsands production comes at too high an environmental cost, saying attempts to curtail it "don't make sense."

But he faced disbelieving protesters at every turn on the first day of his trade visit to the United States, including about 35 environmentalists who passed out flyers to guests arriving at a Canadian embassy reception.

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