Oil Sands Truth: Shut Down the Tar Sands



Forests lose more trees and habitat to pipeline “right of way” cuts and tar pit building than to clearcuts. With minor variation, pipelines go the direct route. Through the strip mining of the land that contains tarsand petroleum and through pipeline construction to accomodate, only the Amazon Basin in Brazil would see larger rates of deforestation than the Boreal forest cover surrendered to the tarsands. Roads often accompany pipelines, as do various other developments. Hundreds of thousands of miles of forests, all combined, have been lost to infrastructure built to accommodate tarsands operations. Now the industry wants to build two approximately 1200 km long Mackenzie and Gateway pipelines as well as 2700 km's from Alaska's North Slope to accomodate tarsand oil production.

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Forests lose more trees and habitat to pipeline “right of way” cuts and tar pit building than to clearcuts. With minor variation, pipelines go the direct route. Through the strip mining of the land that contains tarsand petroleum and through pipeline construction to accomodate, only the Amazon Basin in Brazil would see larger rates of deforestation than the Boreal forest cover surrendered to the tarsands. Roads often accompany pipelines, as do various other developments. Hundreds of thousands of miles of forests, all combined, have been lost to infrastructure built to accommodate tarsands operations. Now the industry wants to build two approximately 1200 km long Mackenzie and Gateway pipelines as well as 2700 km's from Alaska's North Slope to accomodate tarsand oil production.

Bush Quietly Passes Dozens of New (anti-Earth) Rules

Bush Quietly Passes Dozens of New Rules
Stephen Leahy

UXBRIDGE, Canada, 1 Dec (IPS) - As the world community meets in Poland
this week to find solutions to the climate crisis, the George W. Bush
White House is chaining the United States' tiller to prevent a change
of course by President-elect Barack Obama by passing new anti-
environmental rules and regulations at a furious pace.

Nearly a million hectares of public wildlands in Wyoming and Utah are
being opened up to oil shale extraction, the Endangered Species Act is

Shutting down the tar sands-- audio interview with Petr Cizek


Program Podcast: Redeye - Co-op Radio: Shutting down the tar sands

Podcast for Program: Shutting down the tar sands
In series: Redeye - Co-op Radio

The Alberta tar sands cover a vast area of huge open pits and tailings ponds.
The environmental consequences are enormous and make a mockery of
any Canadian attempt to reduce carbon emissions under the Kyoto
Protocol. Petr Cizek is a land use planner and author. He says that a

Hidden tar-sands agendas

Hidden tar-sands agendas
November 13, 2008

Toronto -- Jeffrey Simpson points out the dishonesty of Stephen Harper in proposing to unite with the U.S. to combat global warming while leaving the tar sands out of the agreement (Little New For Obama In Ottawa's Energy 'Offer' - Nov. 12).

"Green groups ramp up attacks on tar sands"

Green groups ramp up attacks on oil sands

Claudia Cattaneo, Calgary Bureau Chief, Financial Post Published: Wednesday, November 19, 2008

CALGARY - Environmental organizations in Canada and the United States are stepping up their campaign to derail Alberta's oil sands and seeking funding from deep-pocketed endowments, including the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

TransCanada invades Lubicon Territory

TransCanada Pipelines is an official supplier to the 2010 Games.

This pipeline will provide enough gas to *almost triple* current already
insane tar sands production levels.

Lubicon lands will be destroyed so that the speed with which the
destruction of the tar sands advances through towards Fort Chip and
elsewhere can go up massively and much faster.

Little Buffalo still has no running water.
The lake has not been potable for a few decades now.


TransCanada invades Lubicon Territory
... in order to "meet the public interest"?
Now this deserves a response.

Enbridge Gateway pipeline back on track in B.C.

Enbridge Gateway pipeline back on track in B.C.
Customers demanding new facilities despite sliding oil price
Scott Simpson, Vancouver Sun
Published: Thursday, November 13, 2008

Enbridge Inc. is shrugging off the effects of a sagging world economy to restart its dormant Northern Gateway pipelines project in British Columbia and Alberta.

Northern Gateway Pipelines communications director Neil Sweeney said in an interview that the project, which bore a $4.5-billion price tag when it was suspended in 2006, is likely to be submitted to the National Energy Board in 2009.

Big Oil's Pipe Dream (Enbridge Gateway)

Big Oil's Pipe Dream
An interview with Dustin Johnson about the Gateway Pipeline
November 13, 2008
by Dawn Paley

The Dominion - http://www.dominionpaper.ca

PRINCE RUPERT and VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA–The Gateway Pipeline Project, proposed by Calgary-based Enbridge Gateway Pipelines Inc., would snake through the unceded territories of over 40 Native communities. If fully developed, the Gateway Pipeline would transport a half-million barrels of oil per day from Alberta's tar sands through sensitive ecosystems of BC's northwest coast.

Air- and water-monitoring program "promised" for Fort Chipewyan

Air- and water-monitoring program promised for Fort Chipewyan
Last Updated: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 | CBC

Alberta's environment minister said Monday he will support the creation of a program to help people in the northern part of the province check if their food, air or water is contaminated.

Rob Renner made the promise after meeting with representatives of First Nations in Fort Chipewyan, Alta.

Bush Officials Moving Fast to Cut Environmental Protections

Umm, don't legacy seekers usually do something in the direction of repenting? A little bit, maybe?


Published on Friday, November 7, 2008 by McClatchy Newspapers

Bush Officials Moving Fast to Cut Environmental Protections
by Renee Schoof

WASHINGTON - Not done making a mess of the world yet.

US President George W. Bush walks away after discussing the
transition with the incoming administration of U.S. President-elect
arack Obama with staff members, on the South Lawn of the White
House, November 6, 2008. In

Enbridge Gateway Pipeline opens office - Roger Harris

Pipeline company opens office - Roger Harris

November 04, 2008 11:00 PM

A COMPANY proposing to transport oil through a multi-billion pipeline between Alberta and Kitimat will be officially opening their offices in Terrace and Kitimat next week.

Enbridge will use the offices in the two communities to inform the public about the project.

The project needs federal regulatory approval. Construction would require skilled workers.

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